Personal Branding Photography | Laura
Maryland Arbonne Consultant Personal Branding Photography Shoot

Personal Branding Photography
Laura and I met YEARS ago when we were both working for the Huron Playhouse summer stock season of 2011. That’s a mouthful. We slept 15 college students to a room while putting on five shows in seven weeks in the little lake town of Huron, Ohio. For me it was my first paid acting gig and I was over the moon. Needless to say, I remember every face and every second of that summer.
In such a hectic place, Laura was our very necessary stage manager. We began early each day, as we each had duties besides performing (cooking, cleaning, building, administrative, etc.), and our days were long. It was imperative that we had a few stage managers leading the ship, and Laura was one of them. She went on to work in professional theatre in NYC and traveling worldwide with musical tours. She’s done a lot in a short span of her life!
In the wake up the pandemic, she has relocated back to Maryland and has become an Arbonne consultant. She came to me looking for personal branding photography, and we had so much fun planning! Sending photos back and forth, and talking about vibe was part of our process. We settled on meeting in Ellicott City, Maryland with its variety of colorful walls and walkways. As you can see, we jumped around a bunch! We even caught a few seasonal photos outside the decorated shops!
Choosing Outfits
I will start with this: hats are incredible. Her grey hat worked magically against this white wall we found! Actually…to let you in on a secret…that was the back of a church sign. Is that bad? No? Ok, good, thanks. It was just the perfect size so we hopped behind it and caught a few photos.
We were going for the comfy and cozy casual look, with a variety of sweaters paired with jeans. She even wore her favorite necklace with beads of every state she has traveled to! I always tell my clients to wear things of personal significance. When you feel like YOU, you’ll get photos that look like you. AND, it’ll be so much easier to relax into your personal branding photography and have fun!
Want to contact Laura? Check out her profile here! And head to the portfolio to see more headshot and branding photography!